You have done it! You made it to the last day of this yoga for better sleep program. First of all, I offer you a deep heartfelt thank you for joining me. Take a moment to thank yourself for committing to this program. I hope that you are already seeing noticeable results in the time it takes for you to fall asleep and the quality of sleep you get throughout the night. Over the course of this program together, we have done a wide variety of techniques to help improve your sleep patterns. From slow simple stretches to more dynamic yoga flows. From breathing techniques to mindful meditations. For our final day together, we are going to do the least amount of movement yet in a guided Savasana. Before you do this full body relaxation, get yourself ready for bed. Brush your teeth, wash your face, set your alarm, get into pajamas, whatever your nightly routine. Then crawl in under the covers. Surround yourself in pillows, blankets and all the things you find comfortable. I wont be guiding you out of this final resting pose, this is where I will leave you. But dont worry, you can come back to this program and these videos any time you need them to guide you back to sleep. From my heart to yours, Namaste and sweet dreams. Focus and Benefits Full body relaxation This guided meditation will help you to find your breaths natural rhythm. It will help you work with your mind and awareness. Sink in With every exhale, imagine yourself sinking into the bed. Let your body become heavier and heavier. Repeat If you come to the end of the scan and dont feel yourself drifting off, or feel you are still holding on to tension, repeat the cycle through.
Lesson 10: Guided Savasana Relaxation
Duration: < 15
Style: Meditation
Level: Beginner
Focus: Evening Yoga
Teacher: Kassandra Reinhardt
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