Hi yogis, some of you have been requesting meditation tutorials so I’m offering you this very simple 15 minute meditation that is perfect for beginners! I’ll go over the basics of meditating and then we will go right into it. The trick is to not obsess over clearing your mind! Don’t worry about always being still, always being thought-free or meditating “perfectly”. Simply sit and breathe, that’s it! Over time the spaces between your thoughts will distance themselves but there’s no need to rush or force it. Make sure you are sitting comfortably, either on a block or a few blankets. You can even sit on a chair if sitting on a floor doesn’t work for you! I hope you enjoy this simple and straightforward guided meditation 🙂
Easy Guided Meditation for Beginners – 15 min Meditation for Clarity & Relaxation
Duration: 15-30
Style: Meditation
Level: Beginner
Focus: Evening Yoga
Teacher: Kassandra Reinhardt
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