Hey yogis, welcome back to my channel! I’m so excited to bring you another elemental yoga class. This one is all about the element of fire. This is going to be a fun practice to work on transformation, power and determination. The element of fire is associated with destruction, transformation, passion and energy. It is also closely related to our self-esteem, self-confidence and our digestion. When unbalanced and underactive, we are low energy, lethargic and have a hard time making decisions and reaching our goals. When unbalanced and overactive, we are quick to anger, frazzled and destructive. This is a vin to yin yoga class so we will begin with vinyasa and end with yin yoga. We’ll work mainly on our core and mid-section through twists, side bends and ab work.
Fire Element Vin to Yin – Power and Transformation
Duration: 40-60
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Level: Intermediate
Focus: Core Strength Yoga, Elemental Yoga Series
Teacher: Kassandra Reinhardt
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