A 60 min yin yoga class to work with the sacral chakra. Namaste yogis, welcome to my channel! This week I’m expanding my Yin Yoga chakra series with the 2nd chakra which deals with the emotional body, creativity and sensuality. The sacral/svadhisthana chakra is located in the pelvis, under the belly button and above the pubic bone. It is associated with the color orange. This yin yoga class is all about opening up the area of the hips to release stuck or stagnant energy and increase flexibility. This chakra is associated with creativity, passion, sensuality, sexuality and your emotions. I like to work with affirmations so for each asana, I’ll ask you to internally repeat an affirmation and notice how it makes you feel. Keep a journal close by to write down how certain poses and affirmations made you feel. This is an intense practice. Have lots of props close by and be kind to yourself! Yoga with Kassandra – Disclaimer Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandras negligence.
Sacral Chakra Yin Yoga – Creativity & Sensuality {60 min}
Duration: 40-60
Style: Yin Yoga
Level: Intermediate
Focus: Yoga for Tight Hips, Chakra Yoga, Affirmations
Teacher: Kassandra Reinhardt
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