Single Legged Crow FULL CLASS

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Duration: 30-40
Style: Power Yoga
Level: Advanced
Focus: Yoga for Strength, Core Strength Yoga, Upper Body, Yoga Without Props, Arm Balances & Inversions
Teacher: Robert Aranyosi


Here we go – time to get into single legged crow pose! Hopefully you’ve already watched Rob’s pose tutorial and done the strengthening practice before moving into this class.

Rob will focus on preparing your body for this arm balance through some dynamic movements and flows. This is a creative class that will effectively target the muscles required in order to perform single legged crow with grace and ease.

Please note that this is a challenging class best suited for intermediate to advanced students. Don’t be discouraged if you need to pause the video or if you can’t master the arm balance by the end of class. You are meant to grow with this practice over time.