Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel! I’ve got a yummy yin yoga class for you today which focuses a lot on our hips, hamstrings and lower back. You’ll want to have 2 blocks for this class and I’d say this is best suited for intermediate practitioners.
We’ll hold each pose for about 3-4 minutes so make sure you’re not pushing or straining. We’ll go through poses like child’s pose, dragon flying low, deer, head to knee variation and reclined butterfly.
What is Yin Yoga? Yin yoga is often called the Yoga of the joints because unlike other styles of yoga, the emphasis is not on the muscles but on the deep connective tissue. Connective tissue is made up of fascia, ligaments and tendons which surround and form your joints. Yin yoga improves the range of motion in your joints and also strengthens them. The results and benefits are more flexibility and greater range of motion and also more stability within your joints.
Although your muscles will also be stretched, that is not the focus of the practice. It is best to practice yin yoga while your muscles are cold and NOT warmed up, even if that sounds counter intuitive. The reason we do this is so that we can send the “stress” and the “Stretch” to the connective tissues. If the muscles are warm they will steal the focus away from the joints.
There are 3 principles of Yin Yoga.
1. Find your edge
2. Be still
3. Hold the pose