Yoga stretch routine for weightlifters with tight hips & shoulders Try my 30 minute class for weight lifters and body builders! This is a Vinyasa Flow style class where we will focus mainly on opening up the chest, shoulders and hips. It is a fast paced class to give you a good workout but also includes a few long held hip opener poses to create lasting mobility. To target the hips, we will be doing some low lunges, warrior 2’s, lizard and pigeon pose. To get into the upper body we will playing around with eagle arms, laying chest openers, planks and dolphin pose. I’m not using any props during this class but if your shoulders and chest are very tight, using a strap can be a good idea. If you don’t own a strap a belt or theraband also does the trick! Another prop you may want to have a handy is a block. Yoga with Kassandra – Disclaimer Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Yoga with Kassandra from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Yoga with Kassandras negligence.
Yoga for Weightlifters, Powerlifters & Crossfit {30 min}
Duration: 30-40
Style: Power Yoga
Level: Intermediate
Focus: Upper Body, Yoga for Athletes, Yoga Without Props
Teacher: Kassandra Reinhardt
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Kassandra ReinhardtAll Levels