Yin Yoga & Affirmations

With Kassandra Reinhardt

In this exclusive series, I dive deep into pairing yin yoga with affirmations. There are 6 full length practices, that explore different themes. Each class also comes with a guided meditation on that theme.

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About your instructor Kassandra is an Ottawa-based yoga instructor on a mission to help others feel great with yoga. She started practising yoga in 2008 as a way to become more flexible and learn to manage stress and anxiety. Little did she know that in a few short years she would have the privilege of becoming a yoga teacher, passionately committed to sharing yoga with others who are sick of feeling less than vibrant.

I love everything Yoga with Kassandra... so much relatable content.

Cat Nieves Lopez

Yin Yoga & Affirmations for Success {30 min}

Success can be in any area of your life. The affirmations serve as a tool to discover any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. And also to show you the beliefs you have that are supporting you towards...

Yin Yoga & Affirmations for Love and Compassion {60 min}

Love Meditation: https://yogawithkassandra-members.com/classes/love-compassion-meditation/

Yin Yoga & Affirmations for Abundance {60 min}

Abundance Meditation: https://yogawithkassandra-members.com/classes/abundance-meditation/

Yin Yoga & Affirmations for Intuition {30 min}

Abundance Meditation: https://yogawithkassandra-members.com/classes/abundance-meditation/

Yin Yoga & Affirmations to Heal The Inner Child {45 min}

Healing the Inner Child Meditation: https://yogawithkassandra-members.com/classes/inner-child-meditation/

Yin Yoga & Affirmations For Confidence {40 min}

Confidence Meditation: https://yogawithkassandra-members.com/classes/confidence-meditation/

Confidence Meditation

  Affirmations for Confidence: I am responsible for my own spiritual growth I am healthy whole and complete I speak my mind with clarity and compassion Moving my body body feels good and brings me joy I am unique and...

Abundance Meditation

  Affirmations for Abundance: There is plenty for everyone including me Money flows to me easily and effortlessly I am thankful for all of the love in my life Life supports me in every possible way I gracefully accept help...

Success Meditation

  Success Affirmations: I surround myself with positive influences I am worthy of great things I attract the right circumstances at the right time I am a magnet for miracles I begin and end each day with gratitude my dreams...

Love & Compassion Meditation

  Love and Compassion Affirmations: I look in the mirror and love what I see I am sensitive to the needs of others I put in the time and effort necessary to sustain friendships I attract caring and loving people...

Intuition Meditation

  Intuition Affirmations: I am at peace with the flow of life I trust my intuition and allow it to guide me Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles...

Inner Child Meditation

  Affirmations for healing the the inner child: I take deep breaths to ground myself in the present moment It is safe for me to speak up for myself I am beautiful exactly as I am I deserve to be...
Lorena Treichler

What I most love about the app is the calendar! It is oddly satisfying to see one's practice over weeks and months and it keeps me motivated. I would go through the app and choose a class and then reproduce it on my laptop.

Lynsey Emery
Auckland, New Zealand

I love the app! It has helped me become more consistent with my practice because of the calendar feature and also because having the ability to download classes means I can still practice when there is no internet. The exclusive content is amazing and has really helped me to take my practice to the next level.