30 min Vinyasa Flow Yoga – SIDE BODY STRENGTH & STRETCH

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Duration: 30-40
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Level: Intermediate
Focus: Full Body, Core Strength Yoga, Yoga Without Props, Twists
Teacher: Kassandra Reinhardt


Hi everyone, thank you for joining me! Today’s class is actually a remake of a class I originally taught here in 2015. I’ve been on YouTube for nearly a decade now so I have tons of old classes that have great sequences but were poorly filmed. I had no idea what I was doing back then!! 😉 I’ve revamped the sequence a touch as I teach a bit differently these days.

This class is a 30 minute intermediate vinyasa flow practice to stretch and strengthen your side body. This includes your obliques, sides of your glutes and down the legs for the IT band and abductors.

Here’s my original side body yoga class, filmed in 2015: https://youtu.be/jTD_5CB6-JU

I find the side body can be neglected in many yoga sequences, so today we will focus on it extensively. You can expect a lot of side bending poses, core strengthening poses that target the obliques, asymmetrical balancing poses and hip openers. We’ll be doing poses like side plank, half moon, twisted pigeon and exalted low lunge.