With Kassandra Reinhardt
Like the title says, the first half of every class in this series will take you through a Vinyasa practice, and the second half will be more passive with some Yin Yoga.
Each of the 7 full-length classes in this exclusive program will focus on one of the 7 Chakras, from Root to Crown.
This program will take your practice beyond the asana, to deepen your connection to self. Layering the physical with the mental, emotional and energetic.

I love this app! I have already taken my yoga practice to a new level.
I highly recommend this app. Kassandra provides high quality yoga instruction, and the numerous and diverse classes offered make yoga accessible to to your daily routine. I chose a yearly subscription without a moment's hesitation. The current class choices could keep me busy for far longer than that! And there are no ads in the app! Yay!
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